Wednesday, 6 February 2013

'Issues' possible ideas

Below I will be selecting a few ideas from the subject of 'issues' which is my chosen question and thinking of ideas that will enable me to do my first shoot in a couple of days. It will consist of a range of different ideas surrounding this topic, which should give me a broad direction to go in which when thinking of the range will help me to highlight my favourite ideas within and attempt to fulfill the exam title.

I feel that even a photo of a pair of eyes can tell you so much about what the person is feeling. Eyes are incredibly powerful, and can display a range of emotions at the same time. I like the idea of someone being 'trapped' in society and the need to escape which may be a problem for many teenagers in today's society. However, the problem being that nothing is being done about it and they are suffering in silence and lives are being taken for many different reasons that most cannot begin to comprehend.

Secondly, I have looked into the issue of alcoholism and how that effects individuals and the people in that persons life. Although I can only imagine, alcoholism is quite a dangerous path that is likely to leave the individual very vulnerable and isolated as if they cannot escape..which in itself sounds highly dangerous. I have collected a few photos that I feel portray a strong message of this, and this route of interest seems to something I may like to do.

I really like this photo as I feel that by using selective colour the glass that the drink is in is very bold and striking, and the position in the foreground I feel has worked well to portray a message. Also the fact that the subject in the photo seems to be distressed/unhappy shows the true effects of how this can destroy somebody's life, and the fact that there is no colour in the rest of the piece gives a bitter feel to the photo and gives a sense of eeriness as to how the person is feeling.

I like the concept of this photo of staring at the wine glass directly, and the image inside the glass to represent loneliness which is most likely what alcoholics suffer from quite largely.

 I think it would be interesting to experiment with slightly abstract ideas during the editing process to create someone trying to escape from a bottle like this one. Although I will create this idea mainly in photoshop, I will need a couple of images in order to create this style.

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