Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Work Record 15/2/13

Plans for the shoot

Today I plan to to shoot landscape photography shots that include different viewpoints, and hopefully I will be able to photography a range of different cars/buses in order to gather some shots to work from. I wasn't entirely sure how successful I will be as I will be taking this from the top of a car park, therefore I may need to experiment with a few different things. Also, I will be using natural lighting so will be relying on the weather to work with what I want to achieve. 

What I hope to achieve

From this shoot, I plan to achieve landscape shots in order to show the issue of 'pollution'. I will do this by showing the congestion of traffic through a typical town road, I don't necessarily plan to show the traffic in a 'bad light' however I wanted a relatively busy road in order to show this as an issue in the sense that it is destroying the planet. I think the shots that I get from this shot may not be effective initially, however using Photoshop and with in mind what sort of shots I want to achieve I think I will gather some that I am happy with.

What I actually achieved

As I thought initially, my level of control was not as high as I would have liked as I was not able to change the lighting and the weather would have just been by chance. However, I feel that weather worked well as it was mainly cloudy, yet the sun was shining through which I felt created nice contrast within the backgrounds of some of the photos. This could also show the change in weather, as it appears to be stormy which could be the issue as global warming is becoming more extreme so this contrast in 'weird' weather is a good representation in my opinion. As I said before, I wasn't happy with how successful this shoot went, but I was able to edit on Photoshop and create tilt-shift landscapes and also used a selective colour tool in order to enhance my images.

What I am going to do next

What I plan to do next is some work in the studio, although I am not entirely sure of this yet so I will need to gather some inspiration. However I have decided that environmental issues would be quite difficult to do in the studio, so I think I will more closely look at personal issues and themes surrounding body issues and personal problems that most people face in their lives. I will be shooting next week following this shoot, but I don't think that environmental issues were as successful as I maybe anticipated.

This is my favourite photo from the shoot I did on the environment, as I think adding the tilt-shift aspect to it on photoshop enhanced the photo and made it a lot more effective. Although I don't think it is effective as I would have liked in order to show the theme of environmental issues, I still like this photograph. I think that the bright colours in this create a happier atmosphere, therefore the idea of issues isn't apparent from looking at this photo. I also increased the saturation of this photo on photoshop which also helped it to look minature like and as if it was toy scenery, as when I took the photo it was mainly a miserable day but in the photo above it looks relatively bright and sunny.

I like the composition of this photo, as the railings in this photo create a leading line which draws the eye naturally to the left hand side of the photo where the railing continues.I like the colours in this photo as they are quite gloomy and almost spooky like, as the sky is very striking and grey. I think this photo is more effective in showing what my photos are about, as it is more obvious that I was trying to show the change in weather as an environmental issue because of global warming storms are more common.


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